Culinary Angels Operations

At Culinary Angels we take food safety, and the security of all involved in our operations, very seriously.

All our policies and procedures are up to date and in compliance with protocols dictated by the Department of Environmental Health and Cal-OSHA.

Before engaging in our operations, all our kitchen volunteers are required to go through a clearance process, including obtaining the California Food Handlers Card, passing a background check and reading/acknowledging our food safety and personal hygiene guidelines.

We follow strict food safety and sanitation protocols throughout our entire operation, and make sure our volunteers are supported in understanding how to efficiently follow them, from the moment an ingredient is picked, delivered and properly store in our kitchen, to the antimicrobial washing and preparation of ingredients, to the execution of recipes and proper time & temperature controls plus logging data before plating, sealing, labeling, bagging the meals, and finally to the moment a delivery bag is dropped off at our recipients home.  All our volunteers are required to use gloves when handling food.  We enforce these protocols through ongoing communications with staff and volunteers, daily meetings with kitchen volunteers, monitoring and training as needed.

We require kitchen attire for all kitchen volunteers that include the use of hair nets plus clean aprons and have lint rollers available to remove any potential physical contaminants from clothing.

We abide by strict Covid-19 personal safety guidelines, including smaller crews in the kitchen and the use of masks when indoors.

Our kitchen is wallpapered in signs with food safety and proper sanitation reminders, and our Leads are equipped and available to monitor and support the food and personal safety guidelines we proudly maintain at the heart of our operation, alongside our nutritional values.