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(Excerpt below.)
I am definitely not a numbers person. In fact I have spent a lot of my life trying to avoid them and either using the person next to me or Google for help. However, there are times when the numbers tell a story in a way that can’t be disputed and allow you to see the cold hard facts.
Last month, we sent out a survey to all of our recipients asking them a variety of questions about our service and a few about their food awareness. We were very happy to learn that a whooping 56% are more conscious about the food they put into their body as a result of the meals they have received from us. That’s pretty awesome and one of the many “silver linings” of this entire organization.
There was never a moment when I thought that providing amazing, healing meals would have such a strong educational component attached to it. Not only are we exemplifying how beautiful foods look, taste, and fortify our bodies, but we are actually helping people have a greater awareness about the food choices in their life.
This newsletter will illustrate via an eye-twirling graph our growth and projected trajectory-showing the impact we are having and will continue to have on our community. You will also be happy to learn about our upcoming Fundraiser at the amazing 3 Steves Winery next month and in securing your tickets asap as we are anticipating being sold out!
Finally, we want to thank all of the exceptional people that make Culinary Angels a program of the heart. We literally couldn’t do it without your collective support and contributions. You are all amazing!
In gratitude,
Lisa McNaney
Founder, Executive Director