Why Choose Organic

While we all do our best to try to improve our nutrition choices, the option of buying organic or
conventional can be overwhelming. So, let’s take a look at the differences:
What does “organic” mean?
Organic refers to how farmers grow and process food. Organic farming methods differ from conventional farming in several ways:
- Conventional farming uses chemical fertilizers to promote plant growth, while organic farming employs manure and compost to fertilize the soil.
- Conventional farming sprays pesticides to get rid of pests, while organic farmers turn to insects and birds, mating disruption, or traps.
- Conventional farming uses chemical herbicides to manage weeds, while organic farming rotates crops, hand weeds, or mulches.
- When raising animals, conventional farmers often give them antibiotics, growth hormones, and medications to spur growth and prevent disease. Organic farmers feed their animals organic feed
and allow them to roam. They also will make sure the animals have a balanced diet and a clean
housing environment.
Is organic better?
Shoppers may choose organic foods for a variety of reasons.
- There are certainly environmental reasons to go organic.
- According to USDA guidelines, organic farming practices are designed to reduce pollution and conserve water and soil.
- They do not release synthetic pesticides, which can harm wildlife, and they also seek to preserve biodiversity and local ecosystems.
- Many people choose organic foods to avoid any risks associated with the pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals used in conventional farming.
- Studies also appear to support the fact that organic diets lower children’s exposure to pesticides.
The Bottomline
Make sure you’re eating a variety of fruits and vegetables daily, getting plenty of rest and moving through moderate exercise to keep your mind and body at its best.